Sunday 18 June 2017

Scotcon - Planner Event

Mr B and I have always talked about visiting Scotland and touring. We have always wanted to go to the West coast, Isle of Skye and the Hebrides. I don't know why we haven't been before, probably because we are also so very drawn to Cornwall. Anyways, I was super duper shocked and excited when the organisers of Scotcon emailed me and asked if I would be able to talk at their event. Part of me nearly replied straight back and said no because it was just too far but I chatted it over with the mister and we decided that this might just be the push that we needed to go and explore somewhere that had been on our list before.

We drove for the day, a whole day. With a toddler. Yeah not so fun but we made it all the way from Cambridgeshire to Glasgow in just about one piece.

I have never been somewhere where I felt so unbelievably welcome. All the people at the event were so warm and welcoming and I had such a lovely time. I had a stand selling some Mrs Brimbles goodies. I vlogged the event as best as I could and have it here for you to watch:

It was an amazing day and I met some lovely people. Hailey on my table asked if I would do something in her journal for her so this is what I did! It is always so very nerve wracking doing something in someone elses book!

 We had a workshop from Michelle of Uglybug on pocket scrapbooking. I took an old photo of Cornwall to play with. We didn't get much time but I love what I managed to get done in the time and stuck in my travelers notebook insert.

After the event Mr B, Miss B and I went off to the Isle of Skye camping for the week. It was a truly amazing experience made possible by the gentle nudge of attending Scotcon. Scotland, this certainly isn't the last you have seen of us Brim's!

Join the Scotland Planner girls on Facebook:

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