Tuesday 1 April 2014

Spring / Easter Pinch Pot Project

It has been a while since I have shared, well in fact done anything particularly crafty. I have kind of gotten out of it a bit of late which makes me sad. I don't know why I haven't 'made' anything, there is no reason for it but I guess I have just been swaying more towards drawing and painting rather than making which has made me very happy.

I am trying to work through some projects that I have half finished. Please tell me you have projects that you start and never quite get around to finishing too! I seem to have a few of them, mainly on the knitting and sewing front and I have been sharing them as I go over on my Ginger Juice YouTube channel as I have been vlogging. When sorting through some of those projects I found a part used packet of air drying clay. I knew that I had to do something with this as I knew it wouldn't last forever and it was about a year old as it was.

I have been really inspired lately by pinch pots particularly those made by Paulus Berensohn, that man is fascinating for his take on journals as well. Just search for his name and you will find loads of lovely images of the pots that he has made. In fact, I will pop the videos that I love at the bottom so you won't have to go off searching, they will be right there for you.

As you also know I have been hugely inspired by Spring and nature. Did you know that? I may have mentioned it a few times I am sure. ha ha! Well you know after many years of battling with my inner critic I now consider my self to be an artist. I am an artist and artists drawn on life around them in the art and creations and I do exactly that.

We have white walls in our house and neutral colours for our floorings and furnishings and that is because I like to change my decor with the seasons. Some is more elaborate than others. I purchase or make little bits and pieces each year and build up my collections as I go, adding to them as we build our life. But having the neutral colours enables us to do that with ease.

So taking my recent love of pinch pots, the Season and changing over my decor, I decided to use that clay I found and get a creating! I have a part project share / part tutorial for you.

You know rustic and handmade was what I was going for and it is what I ended up with. It is a simple little thing, one that gives me great pleasure and sites pride of place on my coffee table. I love looking at it and thinking, I made that. And of course there really is something quite medatative about working with your hands like that.

If you would like to see what the rest of my house looks like, with all the other seasonal bits and pieces I have you can take a nosey...

Do you decorate with the seasons? I would love to know and if you would like to share with me, I would love to see!

So here are those videos of Paulus that I mentioned above. They are so wonderful and relaxing all at the same time. I could listen to him talk over and over again. I really could. He has such a wonderful outlook on life and he comes out with such amazing quotes so enjoy!

Paulus Berensohn on pinch pots:

Paulus Berensohn on journals:

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